Experiential Healing Weekend Programs

Journey into Manhood

Journey Into Manhood is our peer-led, experiential weekend of self-discovery, brotherhood, personal-growth and inner-healing work.

It is designed especially for men to address incongruous same-sex attractions or distress over SSA — in other words, feelings or attractions that are out of alignment with a man’s faith, values, morals, self-identity or life goals.


Journey Continues

Journey Continues is a 2 1/2-day, weekend follow-up to Journey Into Manhood. It is open to any man who previously completed the Journey Into Manhood experience who continues to work on:

  • minimizing his sexualization of other men, or
  • making peace with whatever SSA remains, without acting on or over-identifying with those feelings, or
  • addressing other still-unresolved issues with men and masculinity


Journey Beyond

Journey Beyond is an advanced-level, 4-day, 4-night program for men who have completed Journey Into Manhood and also done other significant personal-growth work (such as individual therapy or life coaching, other personal-growth experiential weekends, etc.).


A Wife's Healing Journey

A Wife’s Healing Journey is an experiential weekend intensive by Brothers on a Road Less Traveled.

This powerful weekend training/retreat is designed especially for wives or girlfriends of men who are conflicted over same-sex attractions (SSA), struggle with sex addictions, or men who have been unfaithful to their marriage vows.

This weekend is for women who are committed to their own personal growth — and who are ready to experience breakthrough emotional shifts and insights, regardless of some of the choices their husbands may have made.


The Crucible Project

The Crucible Weekend is designed to challenge you to take a hard look at what is and not working in your life. We give you the opportunity to wrestle with God and discover new truths about yourself — and embrace your God-given masculinity.

Man by man, this work is changing hearts, marriages, families, churches, careers and cities. Join an international community of men who have gone before you.


The Courage Sports Camp

Sports Camp provides an opportunity for men who experience same-sex attractions to grow in faith and friendship, in harmony with the Five Goals of Courage. To learn more about the Courage apostolate, please visit the website of Courage International, at https://couragerc.org/faqs.

Sports Camp is an exhilarating experiential weekend for men desiring to learn how to play team sports with encouragement, coaching and an abundance of Christian fellowship. Once again, the Lions and Dolphins will face each other in softball, football, basketball, and soccer in the annual epic battle for the coveted Harvey Cup. Sports Camp men physically compete on the field while enriching their souls through a daily regimen of prayer, confessions, Mass, and the Liturgy of the Hours.



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